Editing Services

We specialize in providing professional editing and proofreading services for research papers, research proposals, grant applications editing, essay editing, thesis /dissertation, book, editing/proofreading. Please refer to our services section for details.

Other Support Services

Our editors are experienced scientists who are also peer reviewers for several prestigious international scientific journals. They will help you with a variety of publication associated services such as preparation of cover letters, journal specific formatting and choosing the right journals. Our editors are experts in materials sciences and nanotechnology and can provide you with a critical internal review of your work prior to submission which will improve your publication chances and its impact drastically.

We also offer grant and thesis editing services. Please refer to our table of services for the associated costs.

Quality Assurance

We guarantee the highest quality editing of all the documents vetted by Edit Scientific at a standard that is acceptable in peer-reviewed journals.

If you are not satisfied with our work, send us your reasons for dissatisfaction and an independent set of reviewers will assess the reasons for your dissatisfaction. If the reasons provided by you are found to be valid, our editors will work on your document until you are satisfied at no additional cost.

If your manuscript edited by Edit Scientific is rejected by a publishing outlet citing the quality of English as a reason, we will re-edit it at no extra cost provided that you address all technical comments that resulted in the rejection. However, you should not have made more than 25% changes to our edited version before submitting to the journal. More than 25% changes may accrue additional costs.