Tables And Figure Editing Reproduction



Tables are used to summarize and depict important findings in a concise and impactful manner. As theytake up substantial space in a print journal, the information should not be duplicative.Each table should have a brief title so that the reader can understand what is being displayed in the table. Avoid abbreviations in any titles. All abbreviations within the table and comments about the table should be included in a footnote to the table.




Figures are the soul of any research report. Figures provide a vivid illustration of your results and the underlying concepts behind your research. An excellent figure is one that captures the imagination of the reader straight away by depicting the information in an elaborate yet accurate manner.

You can avail our Table & Figure editing/reproduction service to enhance the quality of your graphs/schematics. We can tell you from vast experience of publishing in high impact factor journals that figure quality is a key factor that determinesthe chances of publishing your findings in an outlet of your preference.